3 steps to check consumer sentiment for your brand

Try out this easy way to find out how you stack up against your competition on key brand values

Understand what consumers think of your brand and key competitor brands, and track how their perception has changed over time. Access these insights in three easy steps. 


Step 1

On the Consumer tab, navigate to ‘Brands’ and select ‘Brand Imagery’ under ‘Brand Perception'.


Step 2

Under ‘Consumer perception’, hover over the graph for %-figures sharing how consumers perceive your brand and those of your key competitors.


Step 3

Scroll down the page to see how their perceptions have changed over time.

Try it now for your brand! 

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Want to learn more about this? 

Our video tutorial shows you more on how insights on Brand Performance and Perception can help you to strengthen your brand positioning and drive loyalty. 

Watch now