Category Level Data Loading

Today, gfknewron for retail loads each separate Category’s data as soon as it is available, allowing you to start finding insights and taking action sooner.

Previously, the entire period was loaded in bulk only when all categories became available.

This enhancement gives you access to the latest data in gfknewron faster – up to a week or more quicker for some early release categories!

Read on to find out more about the changes you will see on the platform. 

How can I see load status?  

As soon as the first category is loaded for a new data period, it will be the default Focus Period that is loaded when you login to the platform.  

The new period will appear in your Time Frame picker with the ‘partial period’ icon until all categories are loaded: 


When all categories have been loaded and the period update is complete, this icon will disappear.

You can of course change your Focus Period in the Time Frame selection back to the previous, complete period to get a full market view. 

How many and which categories are loaded? 

When your Focus Period is partially loaded, you will see various indications about the number of categories currently available.

You will see a persistent alert that will display at the top of the page.

CategoryLevelDataLoading-Alert Message

By clicking ‘Learn more’ in the alert the categories that are not yet loaded for the selected period will be listed. 

CategoryLevelDataLoading-Learn More-cropped

The Total row of the category leaderboard table will also detail the number of categories currently loaded. As the table is scrolled, this row remains fixed at the top of the screen. 


Groups will display the number of categories currently loaded within them in brackets after their name. 


Only categories that are loaded will be displayed on the Category Leaderboard table and included in aggregations. 

Understanding Aggregated Totals 

When your Focus Period is partially loaded, only the loaded categories contribute to aggregated totals. For example, all the figures in the total row below are based only on the 43 loaded categories: 


These total numbers are therefore significantly lower than the total once all categories are loaded providing a complete period picture: 

A screenshot of a computer

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A consistent category base is used across any trended visualizations, ensuring comparable trends are shown. Only categories loaded in the Focus Period are included in the data for any period.


For example: the Market total for April24 is €1.8b, as seen with the Focus Period set to the complete May24. With the Focus Period set to June24, only the 43 loaded categories are included, totaling €497.7m in April24. 

Similarly, when selecting Time Frame ranges, only categories that are available across the entire range will be included. 


For example: selecting the above partial MAT will only include data for the 43 categories that are loaded for June24 .

Remember: you can always set the Focus Period in the Time Frame back to a previous complete period to get your usual full market view. 

Single Category View Pages 

On pages that focus on a single category, selecting a category that is not yet available in the Focus Period will display a clear warning message, and no data will be loaded. 
