Channel segmentation: B2C and B2B

All data on gfknewron includes sales from B2B channels, if B2B channels are tracked for the market and product group.

An example of B2B channels can be IT Resellers, which offer computer hardware, peripherals, supplies and services to other businesses and companies as clients.

B2B channels are mainly relevant for IT and Office products due to sales processes and product characteristics.  

There are two approaches for defining B2C and B2B channels by product group: 

1.    Retailer and Reseller channels (mainly for IT products)*


*where audited and reported

2.    Consumer and Business channels (mainly for Office products)*


*where audited and reported

The key difference between Retailer and Consumer channels is that the channel Office Equipment Retailer / Telecommunication Retailer (OER/TCR) is part of the Retailer channel, while it is excluded from the Consumer channel split.