Collections: What it is, and how to use it

Gather insights that answer specific business questions and deliver precise reports.

What is a collection?  

Gather insights from different propositions and store them as a ‘collection’. Collections is live in a separate area of gfknewron, located at the top of your navigation. Use them to prepare: 

  • Dashboards, collecting insights that can auto-update when new data becomes available 
  • Storytelling, collecting insights that help you answer a specific business question or give additional context  
  • Reporting, collecting insights that report on areas of interest or performance over specific time periods  

Select the right timeframes to determine if the insights update or not. You can mix and match static and dynamic insights. 

More features are in the pipeline… We are constantly adding new features and making platform improvements. Get the latest news through our monthly gfknewron user updates. 

How to create a collection

The first step to creating a new collection is adding an insight.  

Find the insight you want to add. Then use the ‘Add to Collection’ button on the top right of the chart. If your insight does not have this button, we are still in the process of enabling the ‘Add to Collection’ feature for this insight.


A new screen pops up. Use it to select the collection you want to add your insight to, choose a name, and add a description.  


Create or select multiple collection 

To create a new collection, start typing the name you have chosen for it, then click the ‘+ Create new collection’ button. 


When you have at least one collection saved, they will be suggested when you click on the text field. You can then select an entry from the list, using your mouse or keyboard. You can also sift through the list by typing the name of the collection you want directly in the text field at the top. 


Once you’ve selected a collection, it will appear below the text field. You can now add another collection by selecting it or create a new one using the same steps. Once you’ve selected all the collections you need, you can move on to adding an insight. 

Name an insight 

Under 'Insight name' gfknewron automatically proposes a name for your chart, but you can change it to suit your needs. If you choose to change its name, the original chart title will still be displayed on the collection.  

Give your insight a description (optional) 

While adding a description is optional, consumer insights will have the underlying question added by default. You can delete this or add additional notes.  

Selecting a collection and a name enables the ‘Add to Collection’ button. Click on it to complete the process. A message pops up to inform you once the action is completed.  

Auto-updates of data vs. static data 

Whether an insight is dynamic (where data updates automatically) or static is partially implied by your filter selection. For example, if you have selected a specific timeframe as one of your filters, the data feeding your insight will stay within that period.  

Where to find your collection 

Access your collections from the left navigation. This entry is only available to users with an active subscription to gfknewron Consumer.


Click on ‘Collections’ to navigate to the Collections overview, which lists all your collections. In the table displayed, you will find the name of each collection, the date it was created, and the number of insights this collection contains.  

To open one, click on its name.


How to use your collection 

Clicking on a collection from the overview table, opens a view like this one: 

Collection with export option

You will find all the insights you’ve added to your collection here, with the latest at the bottom. Each insight is displayed as one tile and includes information you have preset during set up. 

Options applying to your entire Collection: 

  • ‘Back to Collections’ returns you to the Collections Overview table. 
  • Collection name: Your collection’s name (here: My collection 2) is displayed on top of the page.
    • Use 'Export' to download all insights into one PowerPoint file.
    • Use ‘Rename’ to change your collection’s name. 
    • Use “Duplicate” to copy the whole collection. 
    • Use ‘Delete’ to erase the whole collection and its contents. 

Options for your displayed Insight: 

  • Insight name: The title of your Insight (here: My insight 1) is displayed on the top of the chart. 
    • Use ‘Rename’ to change the insight title or adjust the description.
    • Use “Export” to download the insight. 
    • Use “Delete” to delete the insight from the collection. 
  • ‘Source’: Shows where your Insight is coming from. 
  • ‘Description’: Visualizes your given description if applied. 
  • ‘Settings and filters’: Lists all information relevant to interpreting the insight. What is displayed depends on your gfknewron subscription and is determined when the insight is created. 
  • ‘Show more/Show less’: Lets you collapse or expand the chart area to suit your needs. 

How to export your whole collection

Export dialog
Click on “Export” at the top of the collection to trigger the file generation. Collections can contain many insights, for that reason we generate the file in the background and will inform you when the file is ready. 

You will always get informed inside gfknewron, but you can in addition subscribe to also receive email notification in the notification preferences

Once the file is ready, we send you a notification and you can pick it up in the notification panel by clicking on “Download”. 

Export notification

How to share the collection 

We have the possibility available that you can share a collection with colleagues that have the same access rights assigned.

To share a collection you select the “Share” button on top of the collections page. This will then open a dialog with the option to select users and with a list of users that have already access to this collection.

The creator of the collection is always listed as the owner. 

ShareDialog empty

To select users you click into the search field below “Share with”. A list of all available users will appear in the dropdown. 

Important: To ensure that all users have access to the full content, we only allow sharing with users with the same access as the owner. 

When users are selected, they appear in the list below with their access rights. The sharing will get active once the action is confirmed with “Apply”. 

ShareDialog filled

Once the collection is shared an indicator on the collections details page tells with how many users the collection is shared. 

Highligthing of shared collection

How to get notified about shared collections?

By default we turned on the notifications for you. This means that you will receive inside newron a notification as well as an email to your inbox.

Of course you can change these settings on the the notification preferences page .

What does “can view” mean?

“Can view” means that the respective person can see all the content of the collection. Download and copy it, but not do any adjustments to the original collection. 


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