Competitor analysis

Find the top closest competitors to a selected model.

Compare performance of up to 9 closely competing models by features, units sold and average selling price.

The Similarity Score shows how closely each model competes for purchasers, while the Active Weighted Distribution Overlap measures similarity in retail channels.

The analysis helps you spot threats and opportunities. Compare within your own brand or others to find models competing for sales.

We find the top closest competitors using a similarity score, which considers: 

  • similarity of features between products in this market
  • average selling price over the past 13 weeks/3 months
  • number of units sold in the past 13 weeks /3 months

Why it’s useful

The analysis of weekly GfK POS data  identifies competing models (those priced within 30% of your selected model) to show where you could be gaining or losing market share to another brand or risk models competing within the same product portfolio.

Use this data to help in retailer negotiations or to target specific models or promotions in your marketing strategy.

Comparing models

Using the checkboxes next to each model's name, select up to 9 models then hit Compare to quickly weigh up features and sales performance.

This brings up the Compare models window, going deep into feature comparison.

How we weight similarity

Models are first compared on feature similarity, then price similarity, and finally sales volume. Some features carry more weight—these vary by product group and are based on consumer research and GfK's own expert knowledge.

To weight a feature set we look at:

  • claimed feature importance (consumer survey)
  • feature importance (conjoint study)
  • expert feedback from our strategic insights team about key features in the market 

Things to keep in mind

  • For the unit component of the score, competitor models selling the same or more units as your selected model are treated as equally similar
  • The same competitor list displayed here is also shown in the TPR simulator to show the impact of any price changes on competitor models
  • Where applicable, known bundles sales are excluded. Bundles are defined as a combination of multiple products sold together at a single price, such as a soundbar sold together with a TV. Contact your local GfK representative for more information.