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Using filters in gfknewron Consumer

All data on the platform interacts with the extensive filter options accessible in the filter tray on the right. Simply select the filters you wish to apply and then hit Apply filters at the bottom of the tray.

The filtering tray allows combinations of both single response (e.g. what is your age) and multi-response insights (e.g. which retailers did you consider?).

The data filtering will not only select the appropriate underlying analysis base of survey respondents, but also size these to represent the number of units sold to this audience.

There are no restrictions on how many filters can be combined, but if the underlying data delivers less than 50 interviews, insights will show up blank. The relevant analysis base is assessed for every insight. This means that in some cases entire charts may be suppressed whereas in other cases, the suppression only applies to part of the content in a chart:

  • gfknewron Consumer will suppress data where the relevant analysis base is under 50 respondents. In these cases, a ‘low analysis base’ will also appear.
  • For derived measures such as conversion’ and ‘NPS’, sample error is typically higher, so here the minimum base size is 100 respondents. 

For more information, speak to your local GfK Account Manager or contact GfK support for help.