Countries page: User guide

Get detailed insights into how different countries are performing. 

International insights  

This page helps you for example to understand how different countries are performing, to explore which countries are driving the growth of a certain price class, how the weight of the countries is changing for you compared to your competitors. 


All analyses in this section have a country split in their legend. The countries shown depend on the countries you have selected in the context at the very top of the page.

All analyses in this page refer to the overall market, i.e. across all brands, as a default. If you want to see how different countries developed within your own brand’s sales set a filter to your brand in the filter tray on the right.

  • Select the relevant tab to move between three different analysis types:  
  • Scorecard – for analysis across different KPIs.  
  • Time series – for the development over time.  
  • Segmentation – for a comparison by a second dimension.  

The Scorecard tab  

Here you’ll find a summary on how different countries developed across the various KPIs that matter to you. Define your preferred KPIs via the settings button on the right: 


Clicking this will open a menu like this: 


The enhanced gfknewron Market now allows you to select distribution KPIs across the platform.

The KPIs that you can choose from depend on your subscription and the data available for your selected market.

You can also configure the displayed information by clicking the orange highlighted part to change the number of periods displayed for each KPI (in the interactive card title).  

The Time series tab  

Explore how different countries have performed over time for a certain KPI.  

To configure the displayed information, click on the orange highlighted part in the interactive card title. You can select which KPI and time periods you want displayed.  

When you’re selecting the period, remember that the focus period that you select (as context at the top of the page) will always appear as the last value on the chart. With the orange dropdown in the interactive card title, you have the option to define what back data appears before this.

You can also choose to show a Year-to-Date (YTD) or a Moving-Annual-Total (MAT) summary to the left of the chart or hide the summary altogether. 

The Segmentation tab  

Analyse how different countries developed across various segments such as brands, product groups or features.  

Here, the dimension in the legend is also split across selected countries.  

You can define the horizontal breakdown dimension, like Brands in this example, via the first orange dropdown in the interactive card title. Click on it to see a window containing all possible breakdown dimensions.  

After looking at countries across brands, let’s say you want to see brand shares across countries. Simply select Brands in the side menu, navigate to the Segmentation tab and select Countries from the second dropdown in the interactive card title.  

You can also use the orange dropdowns (in the interactive card title) to change KPIs or comparison periods.