Benchmarking in a nutshell — save time with every step

Get business-critical performance insights at segment, product, or SKU level — fast and independently.

Comprehensive performance insights at the segment, product, or SKU level are essential for your business. Whether you're launching new models, managing promotions, or optimizing against competitors, understanding your competitive position, distribution, and pricing is crucial.  

Previously, this analysis was complex and time-consuming, often requiring assistance from GfK experts. gfknewron’s benchmarking capabilities change that. Now, you can perform unlimited analyses independently and swiftly. Our clients have reported time savings of up to 30%. 


Step 1 

Go to ‘Market Intelligence’ > ‘Brands’ > ‘Scorecard’ to benchmark your brand against other top brands or specific competitors.  


Step 2 

Open ‘Select’ > ‘Customise KPIs’ and choose to add/ remove the performance metrics you want to analyse. Click ‘Save’. 

On the Scorecard page, you now see brand performances across your selected KPIs. 


Step 3 

Go to ‘Brands’ > ‘Segmentation’ to uncover which segments of your product portfolio are behind these market shares and KPIs. Select from Features, Price Classes, Channels and more segments to look at how your brand is performing against competition across the segments. 


Step 4 

You can also understand more of your competitors’ portfolio mix relative to product segments, price classes, or channels. Simply click on what you want to analyse under ‘Market Intelligence’ > e.g ‘Features’. Now you can see which feature segments are most relevant for your revenue or your competitors’ revenue.  

You can return to ‘Brands’ and filter for those decisive segments to learn more about your competitors’ performance.  


Step 5 

Next, drill down and look at the performance of individual product models. Go to ‘Market Intelligence’ > ‘Products’. The Product Leaderboard shows you the top selling models of your market. As before, open the Filter pane to select the brands or segments to show relevant models you want to benchmark against.  


Step 6 

Similarly, you can also customise which KPIs and product features you want to show in the Product Leaderboard. Go to ‘Select’ > ‘Customise table’ to make your selection and click on ‘Save’. Your selected KPIs and features will be displayed in the Product Leaderboard. 


Step 7

To further deep dive into specific model performance, select the models you want to focus on and click ‘Analyse’. It will bring you to a view of Scorecard, Segmentation and Time Series. 


Step 8 

To track developments over a longer period, go to ‘Time Series’.

Now you can surface longer-term trends and compare them across many KPIs to assess, for example, how sales performance and distribution developed over time for these specific models. 

                                                     That’s it! Now try it out yourself.

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