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gfknewron Consumer Onboarding Videos

Coming Get answers to your questions about gfknewron Consumer here. Whether you need help finding a particular page or want to learn how to surface the insights you need to take action — our collection of onboarding videos can help.

Reach the right audience

Generate demand, reach your target audience, and position your brand and products ahead of the competition. Understand who your shoppers are and how and where they think, act, and buy using the ultimate combination of knowledge — survey input calibrated against market data.

Introduction & Overview
03:46 mins

Make quick, informed decisions that drive your success: Get the consumer insights you need, to reach your target audience, generate demand, and position your brand and products ahead of the competition.

Brand Performance & Perception

Strengthen your brand positioning and drive loyalty: Access in-depth knowledge about brand
performance and perceptions. Understand the shopper’s journey and see how consumers rate
brands according to key metrics like trust, value, and sustainability.


Brand Performance & Perception
02:59 mins

Strengthen your brand positioning and drive loyalty: Access in-depth knowledge about brand
performance and perceptions. Understand the shopper’s journey and see how consumers rate
brands according to key metrics like trust, value, and sustainability.   

Audience Profiler
03:35 mins

Influence purchase behavior: Get a big-picture view of purchasing behavior, along with granular- level detail of consumer touchpoints and buying motivations. Use this data to optimize budgets and send the right message to audiences.                                                                                    


Shopper Profiles & Journey
03:54 mins

Secure more business and see faster ROI: Develop a deeper understanding of your existing customers and what they care most about. Optimize targeting and spot opportunities by knowing who buys your products vs. competitors.

gfknewron Consumer how-to video guide: Stories 
4:58 mins

Get instant answers to your key business questions with pre-built Stories: Insight-rich narratives save time by instantly quantifying the size and value of your brand's lost shoppers, what brands they chose instead, and how you can utilize targeted strategies to enhance your conversion rate in the future. 


Tailored Data Insights at Your Fingertips
3:48 mins

Personalize your analytics and reports effortlessly: Craft unique data stories, monitor key metrics, and ensure your reports stay fresh and relevant. Discover the power of tailored insights on your terms.