gfknewron Predict Release Updates - June 2024

Empower your decision on Price Management

Access faster than ever before your pricing insights with improved data visualizations in Price Monitor 
  • Price development month by month: Observe longer-term price trends and gain context to evaluate price erosion and product mix dynamics  
  • Price Change decomposition: Assess the contribution of price erosion and product mix dynamics to your and your competitors over time price development 
  • Compare with your Competitors: Conclude whether your brand is exposed to a stronger devaluation over time than your competitors 


Plan your strategy 

Better Decision Making on your Strategy with Long Term Forecasts . Understand with enhanced data visualisations in Forecasting the long-term trend  

  •  Past Trends charts for Running Total values: See and compare at a glance the performance of running total values per month / per year between multiple years, including forecasted data
  • Easily see the change rate vs the past:  YoY % change information per month added in the Running totals main chart tooltip​

