18-month forecast
Use gfknewron Forecasting’s powerful deep learning capability to spot growth opportunities the next 18 months. Spot advanced trends across trends, channels, segments, and countries with a long-term forecast based on massive amounts of GFK POS data combined with macroeconomic data- Use existing legend options such as Forecast range, past accuracy, and past historical data
- Segmentation will be available as per existing forecasts
- Time frame selector ensures easy switching between the 18 month forecast and the Predict+ 26 week forecast
Price Monitor for key product lines - Anticipate and solve your needs
Stop the devaluation of your brand assessing your brand's price stability in the market and key competitor. Identify segments driving your price erosion and prepare to counteract
Price decomposition
Identify drivers of price changes for selected periods and benchmark yourself against your key competitors
Product mix effect
Assess whether your price decrease is a result of consumers downgrading to cheaper products vs your brand
Price erosion
Monitor whether your products decrease in price at the same rate as your competitors and identify segments that drive the devaluation