How to stay on top of market share changes with a few clicks

Easily check your market share developments and learn the reasons for gains or losses

Whenever new POS data is available, knowing quickly when you or your competitors gain or lose market share is crucial in a fast-changing market. With a few clicks, you can find out what’s happening and why — giving you the information you need to quickly react to shifts in market dynamics.  

Step 1
Overview page: Key indicators section

Go to “Market Intelligence” > “Overview” and select the focus brand you want to look at as well as the time frame you are interested in with the orange drop-downs of the page title. The "Key indicators” section at the top of the page gives you a snapshot of how your brand performed and whether there were any changes to your market share.


Step 2
Overview page: Heatmap section

The heatmap on the Overview page helps you get a first understanding of where exactly a share change occurred. In the heatmap title use the orange drop-down to configure it to your needs: select your brand, the KPI change you’d like to analyse and the breakdown dimensions you are interested in. The heatmap fields in dark green or dark red are the areas where your selected KPI changed strongest. 


Step 3
Overview page: Billboards section

To explore get a first glimpse on key changes of your competitors’ shares that you should be aware of you can have a look at the Brands billboard at the bottom of the Overview page. Check out the first tile to see how the top brands performed, and the second and third tile to view which brands lost or gained most market share.


Step 4 

Brands page

After you got a first understanding of how and where your key KPIs changed and what you competition is up to with the help of the Overview page, you may now want to dive deeper and get a detailed understanding of your performance and what the reason for a potential share loss might be.  

For that, navigate to the ‘Brands’ page.  

Here you can track your own performance across KPIs (Scorecard tab), over time (Time Series tab) or across different dimensions (Segmentation tab). You can also analyse how your competitors developed and which competitors might have taken share from you.

Use the filter tray on the top right to zoom in to a certain segment or channel you might be especially interested in or where you had identified that a strong KPI change occurred in it with the help of the Overview page’s heatmap.


Step 5
Products page

Navigate to ‘Products’ to check if the key KPIs for your products are where they should be and analyse how the individual models impacted your market share change. You can also check if any promotional activities provided the expected uplift, or review your competitor models’ performance and see if there has been any promotional activity or changes in their strategy.  

Use the search bar on the top right to search the products you’d like to analyze.

Select the key models you’d like to analyze in more detail – e.g. to view their performance over time - and click on “Analyse” at the bottom of the page.

Select multiple products and create a group of them with the “Add to group” button at the bottom right to analyse for example a series’ models together.


That’s it! Now try it out yourself.