How to use filters to customize reporting in gfknewron Market

Focus on the data you need by using filters to customize reporting in the gfknewron Market platform

In this article, you’ll learn how to use filters to refine results and hone in on data relating to specific products, brands, channels, time ranges, and product features. 

1. How to access the filter panel 

To access the filter panel, click on the ‘Filters’ icon, located at the top right-hand side of your screen. 


2. Types of filters 

The filter panel contains two types of filters. These are called Market filters and Features filters

2.1  Market filters

Market filters relate to the source or extent of the data you will be shown. ‘Brand’, ‘Channel’, and ‘First activity’ are all classified as market filters. 


  • Brand 
    By default, the data you are shown is for the entirety of the market. Apply the ‘Brand’ filter to refine this data to only show the performance of a single brand or selection of brands. You may select as many brand filters as you like.  
  • Channel 
    By default, you will be shown the highest level of distribution channel you have available to you. This may differ from market to market. Apply the ‘Channel’ filter to modify this selection. You may only apply one channel filter at a time. 
  • First activity 
    By default, the data used to populate the charts comes from all products sold during the selected timeframe, regardless of how long those products have been on the market. Apply the ‘First activity’ filter to narrow the range of this dataset.

    For example, to exclude sales of older mobile phones from your dataset, you could set a minimum first activity date of January 2020.  This would then exclude sales information of any models, GfK first recorded prior to this date.

    Note that you may set a minimum value without also setting a maximum value, and vice versa.

2.2. Feature filters 

The list of filter options shown under Feature filters is determined by the product group and/or countries you have chosen to look at. 

For example, if you are viewing data from both Mobile Computing and Media Tablets datasets, you will only be shown Feature filters that are common to both, e.g. display size.

Note that you may apply a maximum of five different feature filter categories at a time.

For more information on additional filter categories you may have access to, see Eco Features.

3. How to view results 

To view results for your selected filters, click the ‘Apply’ button located at the bottom of the filter panel. 
Please note, if you select more than five different feature filters and/or select a combination of filters that will return no results, the ‘Apply’ button will be disabled. Remove or amend your filters accordingly to try again. 

Above your results, you'll see details of the filter criteria applied. To remove a filter, simply click on the orange cross on the filter label. Doing this will immediately update your results. 


4. How to save a filter set 

To save a filter set or configuration for future use, click the ‘Save filter’ button located above your results. In the ‘Filter name’ field, enter an easy-to-remember name for the filter set. Then click ‘Save’


To access saved filter sets, click ‘Filters’ icon to open the Filter panel. Then select the ‘Saved filters’ navigation tab.