Average units/revenue per shop    

Average units per shop:  

This is the average number of units of a brand, segment or product sold per shop.  

It is calculated in a chosen market as the overall units of a brand, segment or product sold, divided by the number of all shops selling that brand, segment or product.  

Your chosen market is defined by the selected product group, country and time period plus any additional filters you apply. Remember, a market is limited to the channels that GfK is tracking for a product group in a country.

For example:  

A brand sells in shop X, where they sold 60 units, and shop Y, where they sold 40 units, totaling 100 units. Their average units per shop is 100 / 2 = 50 units per shop.  

Average revenue per shop:  

This is the average revenue of a brand, segment or product per shop.  

It is calculated in a chosen market as the overall revenue brand, segment or product, divided by the number of all shops selling that brand, segment or product.  

It is displayed in local currency, Euros or US dollars, depending on your selection in the context bar at the top of the page.  

For example:  

A brand sells in shop X, where they generate 40k EUR revenue, and shop Y, where they generate 30k Euro revenue, totaling 70k EUR revenue. Their average revenue per shop is 70k / 2 stores = 35k EUR per shop.  

This KPI is not available for all countries and channels.