Turnover share units/revenue  

This describes the performance of a brand, segment or product within the shops selling it. It focuses only on the performance of a brand inside the selling shops, ignoring shops where the brand isn’t sold. The turnover share is sometimes also called the “in-shop share.”  

These KPIs are not available for all countries and channels.

Turnover share units: 

The ‘turnover share units’ is calculated in a chosen market as units of a brand, segment or product sold divided by the overall units sold at all the shops selling that brand, segment or product.  

Your chosen market is defined by the selected product group, country and time period plus any additional filters you apply. Remember, a market is limited to the channels that GfK is tracking for a product group in a country.

For example:  

In Country X, there are 10 shops selling Washing Machines. 
Brand A is selling its products in 4 of those shops.  In these 4 shops, Brand A sold a total 50 Washing Machines.  
Overall, across all brands, those 4 shops sold a total of 200 Washing Machines.  
Brand A’s ‘Turnover share units’ is therefore 50/200 = 25%.

Turnover share revenue:

The turnover share revenue is calculated in a chosen market as the revenue of a brand, segment or product divided by all the overall revenue generated by all shops selling that brand, segment or product.  

For example:  

In Country X, there are 10 shops selling Washing Machines.

Brand A is selling its products in 4 of those shops. In these 4 shops, Brand A generated a revenue of 3k EUR.  

Overall, across all brands, those 4 shops generated a total Washing Machine revenue of 15k EUR.

Brand A’s ‘Turnover share revenue’ is therefore 3k/15k = 20%.

KPI Glossary: TPR units

Please note that these KPIs are only available if you have a weekly subscription to gfknewron Predict for the respective country and product group.

For a detailed explanation of these KPIs, please have a look here.

TPR Units Uplift

Please note that these KPIs are only available if you have a weekly subscription to gfknewron Predict for the respective country and product group.

For a detailed explanation of these KPIs, please have a look here