Units share/ Revenue share

Units share:  

This is the number of units sold for a single brand, segment or product expressed as a percentage of all sales in a chosen market.  

Your chosen market is defined by the selected product group, country and time period plus any additional filters you apply. Remember, a market is limited to the channels that GfK is tracking for a product group in a country.  

Any change in units share is shown in percentage points (pp). For example:  

If a brand had 13.2% units share in February and 13.7% in March, the change is a growth of 0.5 percentage points (pp). 

Revenue share:  

This is the revenue generated by a single brand, segment or product expressed as a percentage of all sales in a chosen market.  

Your chosen market is defined by the selected product group, country and time period plus any additional filters you apply. Remember, a market is limited to the channels that GfK is tracking for a product group in a country.  

Any change in revenue share is shown in percentage points (pp). For example:  

If a brand had 13.2% revenue share in February and 13.7% in March, the change is a growth of 0.5 percentage points (pp).