Conversion Comparison

Learn the brands you win and lose sales to, so you can keep an eye on your closest competitors.

The chart shows which brands consumers are choosing to purchase, compared to yours. Brands that consumers choose over yours shown as a loss. If consumers are choosing your brand over others it’s shown as a gain.

How we work it out

We take all the consumers who have shortlisted your brand in order to identify other brands you are competing against and then between your brand and the other brand we calculate:

  • Percentage who purchased another brand.
  • Percentage who purchased your brand.
  • Net lost/gained purchasers. This is the percentage who purchased your brand, minus the percentage who purchased another brand.
  • Sample size. This is number of respondents who shortlisted your brand and another brand.

Consumer survey

We use the quarterly survey data of recent purchasers of the category in each market.


The percentage of survey respondents who shortlisted the brand. People were asked:

In addition to the brand you purchased, which of these were your preferred options in the end?


The percentage of survey respondents who actually purchased the brand. People were asked:

What brand did you buy?