Marketing Touchpoint Importance When Purchasing

Discover the places people rely on most for their product information.

The chart shows marketing touchpoints selected as the most influential for lost purchasers in making a purchase choice. Survey data ranks the influence of marketing touchpoints on people who purchased your brand, purchasers of competitor brands, and to the category overall.

Use this to learn which touchpoints (when activated) are most likely to convert consumers to buy your brand over another.

Select Edit Touchpoints to add or remove the marketing channels most appropriate to your brand.

How we work it out

The figures displayed are the percentage of purchasers who selected a specific marketing touchpoint as important, across lost purchasers, purchasers and category purchasers.

Consumer survey

Marketing touchpoints are sourced from quarterly survey data of recent purchasers of the category in each market. People were asked:

Thinking about the whole process of making your purchase, which of the following were most important to your final choice? (Select up to 3).

  1. Advertising
  2. TV
  3. Magazine / newspaper
  4. Social media
  5. Online
  6. Radio
  7. Retailer leaflets
  8. In-store displays
  9. Blogs/Vlogs
  10. Elsewhere
  11. Research
  12. Magazines/Newspapers
  13. Search engines
  14. Price comparison sites
  15. Product review sites
  16. Social media
  17. Manufacturer websites
  18. Retailer websites
  19. Operator websites
  20. Other websites
  21. Recommendations
  22. Recommendations from online reviews on retailer or comparison sites
  23. Recommendations from influential social media personalities
  24. Recommendations online from friends/family
  25. Recommendations in-person from friends / family
  26. Recommendations in-store staff from the retailer
  27. Recommendations in-store advisers from the manufacturer brand
  28. Recommendations from review magazines
  29. Recommendations from somewhere else