Setting up a Launch Tracker: Step-by-step guide

Optimize performance for your product models and new series

Have you just launched a new product or series and want to track ,its sales performance? Or do you want to compare your series or product it with one or more competitors?  

Use the Product leaderboard and its ‘Grouping’ function to set up your own launch tracker within a few clicks.  

By the way, you can also use ‘Groupings’ to drive a range of comparative analysis, for example between, promoted models vs non-promoted models, or your own flagship series vs your key competitor’s and more. Your options are endless!  

But back to launch tracking….   

gfknewron-Market-Setting-up-a-Launch-Tracker_1 Step 1   
Go to ‘Market Intelligence’ and select “Products” to get access to the most granular data around all your and your competitors’ products.
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Step 2

Use the filter tray on the top right to zoom into a certain segment of the market you want to focus on.  Use the ‘Quick search’ field in the top-right corner of the table and enter the name of your product or series in the search field.  

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Step 3

Select which models you want to include in your group from your search results, and click on ‘Add to group’  on the bottom right corner of your screen. This lets you easily track your newly launched set of products and benchmark it against others. 

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Step 4

A window opens where you can name your group. Click on ‘Create Group’. 

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Step 5

Your group now appears pinned at the top of the product section.

It will stay there, even if you apply different filters, as long as there is still at least one product of the group available with the applied filter. 

Click on the group to expand it and view the performance of the single products within the group. You can also delete wrongly added products here.  

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Step 6

Repeat Step 2, if you want to add additional items to the group. Simple select additional products, click again on “Add to group” --> “Existing group”.

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Step 7

Select the products from your group plus any other models you may want to view and compare in detail and hit ’Analyse’ at the bottom.  

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Step 8

You now reach a page that allows you to view the selected products’ performance across KPIs in the Scorecard tab, over time in the Time Series tab to monitor how your sales are picking up week by week, or across different segments – such as channels – in the Segmentation tab. This will help you get an in-depth understanding of how your launch is going, how your products benchmark against other models and where you may need to consider countersteering.  

The bottom of the page gives you a quick overview on the features of each of your selected products and how they differ as additional context.   

It is that easy to track your launch in gfknewron! 

Try it out now