Scanning the market for new products: Step-by-step guide

Find out, how easy it is to stay on top of new offerings in your market

Scan the Tech and Durables market for any new products, focusing on the features and segments you care most about. Access these insights in three easy steps.  


Step 1

Access the ‘Products’ tab under ‘Market Intelligence’.


Step 2

Click on ‘Filters’ on the right-hand side and  narrow down which product or feature you’d like to focus on.  

Under ‘First Activity’ add the date it was first seen in the market. 

Click ‘Apply’. 

Step-by-step-Market-Scan for new products - pic3 Save filter

Step 3

Save your filters, and access them at your convenience from the ‘Filters’ pane on the right-hand side of your screen. You will find them under ‘Saved filters’.

Try it out yourself now!

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Want to learn more about this?

In our How-to video on Product Performance to hear more about how you can check your own performance, and stay ahead of your competition.

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