Surface your top competitors for any model in just three clicks

The fastest and most efficient way to assess the performance of your closest competitors for any of your products and models.

Identify your product’s direct competitors, see how many units have sold, at what cost, and whether they’ve had any temporary price reductions, and how it has impacted sales. 


Step 1

Go to Market Intelligence > Products. Change the ‘Product Leaderboard’ view to a table. 


Step 2

Select your product. Click ‘Top Competitors’ to display the top 3 competitors of this product. 


Step 3

If needed, click on one of the hyperlinked competitor product names for more tabs, detailing risks and opportunities, trends, and the impact of a temporary price reduction. Or click ‘View All Competitors’ to surface similarity scores and compare models. 

It's that easy. Try it now yourself!  

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