Understanding time period selection

Choosing the relevant time periods in gfknewron Market

gfknewron Market allows you to select the time periods you want to view, enabling you to tailor your analysis to the specific time frames of interest. Learn how to set your focus and comparison periods. 

Choosing the focus period: 

The focus period is the latest shown period or period aggregate that all pages within gfknewron Market refer to.

It is defined with the time period selector at the very top of the page where you can choose from various time frames to anchor your insights: 
  • weeks (available only with a subscription to weekly data) 
  • months 
  • quarters (rolling quarters or calendar quarters) 
  • years (full years, Moving Annual Totals (MAT) or Year to Date (YTD)
  • Custom time frames (based on weeks or months) 

For each option, you can select the specific period you want the data to refer to, whether it's the most recent available period or an earlier one. 


Unavailable Data in Incomplete Periods: 

In some cases when you have selected multiple countries or product groups, you may encounter periods where not all selected markets have available data. When this occurs, you'll notice a 'half-moon' icon displayed for those periods. This icon indicates that the data for certain markets within that period is not yet available.

Example: Product Group A in France, Germany and Great Britain is selected. Last available month is February '24 for France and Germany, and March '24 for Great Britain. 


The period selector will reflect this by showing a half-moon symbol next to the period of March '24, as for this period, only Great Britain data is available while France and Germany data is still missing. 


You can still go ahead and select an incomplete period, but please be aware when interpreting that data that these affected periods will contain not all selected markets. 


Choosing the Comparison Period:

Apart from the focus period that is set at the very top of the platform, for each chart or table you can define which comparison periods you would like to see. 

The options here will depend on the focus period that you have selected as well as on the analysis type of the page that you are on (e.g. if you are looking at a Scorecard chart, or a Time Series chart). The comparison periods are therefore defined on a page level, through the orange drop-down in the interactive card title. 
