Using Eco Claim Reporting

Get the most relevant Eco Claim insights to driveopportunities and future-proof your business

What is it?   

Eco Claim Reporting gives you actionable insights into Eco trends by monitoring market developments, brand competition, and selling models at Hitlist level. Easily you can examine their impact on sales units, sales value, and average selling prices.   

The reporting includes the following eight Eco Claim Reporting features:   

  • Eco recycled material claim, 
  • Eco material claim,  
  • Eco CO2 footprint claim,  
  • Eco consumption claim,  
  • Eco durability claim,  
  • Eco other claim,  
  • Eco package claim,  
  • Number of eco claims  

EcoClaimFeatureReports_DefinitionOfFeatures (1)

What can you do with it?   

GfK's Eco Claim Reporting provides the critical insights you need to broaden your portfolio of sustainable offerings to tap into this lucrative expanding market and strong consumer demand  
  • Drive future trends  
    Track the rise of sustainable products across markets and segments to unlock new opportunities. Understand the size and direction of the potential market for Eco Claim.  
  • Communicate with precision  
    Invest in the Eco Claim that has the most impact, grow your brand, and maximize returns. Improve your understanding of the Eco communications your industry values most.  
  • Maximize your pricing potential  
    Discover how much more you can charge for Eco-value. Determine the price premium that consumers are willing to pay for Eco-products and position your prices strategically to win the market.  
  • Be the trusted brand  
    Benchmark your performance against the market and competition to activate the right Eco Claim tactics. Identify whether your brand is perceived as Eco-friendly.   

For more information on Eco Claim Reporting, you can also visit our website.  

Which views are available?   

Use Eco Claim features as filters in the filter tray or in the dropdown segment and compare across the whole range of sustainability features  

You can understand the size and direction of the addressable market (e.g. in the overview page), quickly assess the impact in different channels or their feature share and price points (e.g. segmentation), benchmark your performance against market and competition (brand), and review the Eco Claims of newer products in the market (product). 

As this is a new trend, older products may not show Eco claim features and are displayed as “Unclassified”. The impact of this is minimized in the latest periods and will continue to reduce. You can also easily filter them out by deselecting the “Unclassified” in the feature filter tray section on the right-hand side. 

Below you can find some reporting examples.

Brand benchmarking  

How is my brand positioned against competitors and the Market? What is the share of sold units by number of Eco Claims? 

EcoClaimFeatureScreenshot_anonymize Product Group and Brands

Insights to Model Level  

Features are coded at the individual product  level to track market penetration & investment levels by manufacturer.

Eco_Claim_Product Level_anonymize Products_Product Groups and Country