What are collections?

Gather insights that answer specific business questions and deliver precise reports.

What is a collection?   

Gather insights from different propositions and store them as a ‘collection’. Collections is live in a separate area of gfknewron, located at the top of your navigation. Use them to prepare:  

  • Dashboards, collecting insights that can auto-update when new data becomes available  
  • Storytelling, collecting insights that help you answer a specific business question or give additional context   
  • Reporting, collecting insights that report on areas of interest or performance over specific time periods   
Within collections you have the possibility to: 
  • Reorder the insights to your liking
  • Share the whole collection with your colleagues
  • Download the whole collection to PowerPoint to use it outside of gfknewron 

The collections functionality is currently available in the sections Market Intelligence, Consumer Intelligence and Retail Intelligence (if subscribed), allowing you to pull together insights from different sources and propositions within gfknewron into one collection to provide holistic views. 

More features are in the pipeline. We are constantly adding new features and making platform improvements. Get the latest news through our monthly gfknewron user updates.