The Temporary Price Reduction (TPR) simulator in gfknewron Predict helps you understand how price promotions could affect sales of a product.
If the simulator doesn't seem to be working, here's a few things to try.
- Check your internet connection to make sure you're online.
- Give it a little more time. The simulator can take a short while to return a prediction.
- Hit the refresh button on your browser (or even closing and reopening the whole thing).
- Check your subscription (or ask your local gfknewron administrator). You need to be subscribed to gfknewron Predict for your selected market to use the TPR simulator.
- Try logging out of gfknewron and logging back in again.
- Still having trouble? It could be due to a lack of sales data for your chosen problem. If not, raise a support ticket via the Feedback tab inside gfknewron or contact GfK support for help.