Predict+: Promotion History

Understand the effects of temporary promotions over time.

Find Promotion History by navigating to the TPR Simulator (within Promotion Planning) can select Go to Promotion History. Or when viewing a specific product, you'll find promotion history under the Price & Promotion tab.

TPR Intensity

The first section will show you the current TPR intensity for the selected product. TPR Intensity measures promotional intensity, dividing units sold with a temporary price reduction by the total of all units sold.

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Promotional Trends

Promotional Trends allows you to select a start and end period to view a range of KPIs within a particular time period.

Additionally, below these KPIs you can visually see the full 52-week trend plotted on a graph. If you have selected a start and end period, this period will be highlighted on the graph in a shaded orange bar.

On the graph, you are able to select the KPI which can be found above the graph on the left-hand side. Changing the KPI selected will change the right y-axis of the graph which is plotted against the units sold on the left-hand y-axis, and the week on x-axis.

Bundles: Where applicable, known bundles sales are excluded. Bundles are defined as a combination of multiple products sold together at a single price, such as a soundbar sold together with a TV. Contact your local GfK representative for more information. 

How to read the Promotional Trends graph

On the graph you are able to hover over any value for a breakdown of the figures and the hover over will show the the total units sold, how many of those unites were sold under a TPR and what the price was.

You can also understand the status of TPRs per week by the formatting of the bars on the chart:

Dark Blue Bars

Indicates % of units sold with a price reduction (more than 10%, max. up to 4 weeks). Blue bar indicates % of units sold without a price reduction.

No Dark Blue Bars with a turquoise bar underneath

The TPR was detected at 1 retailer only. We cannot show the TPR KPIs due to retailer confidentiality.

No Dark Blue Bars or turquoise bar underneath

No temporary price reduction detected, or we detected a TPR but no units were sold with a reduction.