Where to view and work with collections

In this step-by-step guide we will help you find our collections and interact with them.

Where to find your collection 

Access your collections from the left navigation. 


Click on ‘Collections’ to navigate to the Collections overview, which lists all your collections. In the table displayed, you will find the name of each collection and description (if applicable) as well as further details on each collection. 

To open one, click on its name. 


How to use your collection 

Clicking on a collection from the overview table, opens a view like this one:  

Collections-DetailsYou will find all the insights you’ve added to your collection here, with the latest at the bottom. Each insight is displayed as one tile and includes information you have preset during set up. 

Options applying to your entire Collection:  

  • ‘Back to Collections’ returns you to the Collections Overview table. 
  • Collection name: Your collection’s name (here: My collection 1) is displayed on top of the page. 
  • Interaction options 
    •  Use 'Export' to download all insights into one PowerPoint file. [Find more details on this functionality here]
    • Use ‘Rename’ to change your collection’s name and description.  
    • Use “Share” to share the collection with colleagues with the same access. [Find more details on this functionality here]
    • Available in the overflow menu (three dots) 
      • Use ‘Add text block’ to insert a block within your collection that does not contain any data but only a title and description. When exporting your collection, this will appear as one separate slide. You may use this for example as a divider between different sections of your collection, or to summarize the findings from your analysis.
      • Use ‘Transfer ownership’ if you want to hand over the editing rights to your collection to a colleague.
      • Use “Duplicate” to copy the whole collection.  
      • Use ‘Delete’ to erase the whole collection and its contents.  

Options for your displayed Insight:  

  • Insight name: The title of your Insight (here: Performance Analysis Stacked Bar Chart is displayed on the top of the chart. 
  • Interaction options: 
    • Use “Export” to download the insight. 
    • Use ‘Edit to change the insight title or adjust the description. 
    • Use “Copy” to copy the insight to this or another collection 
    • Use “Delete” to delete the insight from the collection.  
  • ‘Source’: Shows where your Insight is coming from.  
  • ‘Description’: Visualizes your given description if applied.  
  • ‘Settings and filters’: Lists all information relevant to interpreting the insight. What is displayed depends on your gfknewron subscription and is determined when the insight is created.  
  • ‘Show more/Show less’: Lets you collapse or expand the chart area to suit your needs.  

Maintain your collection 

In addition to the options on the insights, you also have the option to maintain the content with the help of the Table of Contents (ToC). This is placed on the right hand side of the screen and has the following options: 

  • Overview of all available insights and text files in this collection 
  • Shortcut to insights and text files
  • Reorder insights 

The ToC contains the full list of insights that are available in the collection. With hover you even have the possibility to see the description of the insights.

With a click on an insight you get directly navigated to it, this acts as a shortcut.  

If you are the owner of the collection you also have the possibility to reorder the insights by drag and drop. You will see indicators to help you find a good new position for the insight. 
