Getting started with gfknewron Market: User guide

Learn to navigate gfknewron Market for key functionalities, from setting context to sharing insights.

Welcome to your new journey with gfknewron Market, your gateway to unparalleled market intelligence and insights. This guide will walk you through the essentials, ensuring a smooth start and effective use of our platform.  

By following these steps, you'll unlock the full potential of gfknewron Market, turning complex data into actionable insights. Dive into the platform and start shaping your market strategy with confidence!  

1. Setting your context 

Setting your context

Start by defining your analysis context right after you log in. Use the top-left selectors to set the stage for your exploration across all content and pages. Remember, while you tailor the overall context here, specific charts or tables within pages have their own settings for a granular approach.

1.1 Country and Product Group selector 

Select your focus markets from the list presented after clicking the first selector. You can either select a single product group and country, or multiple, to get a cross-category and cross-country view.  

It displays the latest available data period for each option, helping you make informed choices. 

1.2 Time period selector 

Choose your time frame from weeks, months, quarters, to years, including Moving Annual Totals (MAT) and Year to Date (YTD), to anchor all insights. Weeks are only available if you have a subscription to weekly data. Months, quarters, and years are available to all users.

Please note that next to specifying here your focus period (aggregate) you can specify which period(s) you want to compare with within the individual pages.

For further details on time period selection and understanding ​unavailable data in incomplete periods, please refer to this article.

Getting-started_2_Period selector 1

1.3 Change format  

Customize how growth and decline numbers are displayed as an absolute (e.g. growth of +€219k) or a percentage change (e.g. a growth of +3.4%). This ensures that the data resonates with your analysis criteria. 

Getting-started__5_Change selector
Please note: This applies only to the change of absolute KPIs such as the change of Revenue, Units or Average price. It does not apply to the change of relative KPIs such as Revenue share, Units share or Price index, as in these cases, the change is always shown in percentage points (for share) or index points (for Price index). 

1.4 Currency selector 

Choose the currency you want all revenue or price-based KPIs to be displayed in. You’ll have a default option to view in Euros and US dollars. If you have selected only a single country, you can also choose local currency. 

Getting-started__6_currency selector

2. Navigating the platform 

With your context set, explore data through the platform’s side menu, divided into Overview, Core Views, and Product Leaderboard. Each section offers different lenses for detailed analysis, with each level getting progressively more focused: 

  1. Overview – A snapshot of market developments and brand performance, providing quick insights.
  2. Core views – Delve deeper into specifics like brands, countries, or product features analysis. This section allows you to examine KPIs, trends over time, and segment data for comprehensive insights. The choice you make in the side menu shapes the charts and tables, making data analysis intuitive.
  3. Product leaderboard – For product-specific KPIs and features comparison, this section offers detailed insights into individual or multiple products. 

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2.1 Overview 

Here’s a detailed look at your Overview page and how to use it: 

2.1.1. Core Views 

First, delve deeper into your data and choose which lens to analyze it through.  
Select from the side view menu:  
  • Brands  
  • Countries  
  • Product groups  
  • Features  
  • Price classes  
  • Channels  
  • First activity  

The option you choose will determine the focus of the charts and tables you see next. In other words, it becomes the chart and table legend. For instance, choosing ‘Price Classes’ will make this the dimension that your data will be broken down into.  

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By default, all analyses in Core Views present a picture of the overall market, aggregating all brands. If you want to narrow your focus to your own brand, for example to track the development of Price Classes for your brand, simply set a filter to your own brand via the filter tray on the right. ​View how here.

Once you have made this initial choice, you will be presented with three tabs towards the top of the page:  
  1. Scorecard  
  2. Time series  
  3. Segmentation  

Learn more about each Core View section and how to best use them: 

2.2.1. Scorecard 

The scorecard tab gives you a quick summary of your KPIs and how they have changed over time. 

Click the settings button on the right to define which KPIs are shown: 


Next, you will see a menu like this:

Getting-started__10_add KPI window

Next to the basic Revenue, Units or Price based KPIs, you can now also select more advanced KPIs like distribution KPIs across the platform if you want. The KPIs available will depend on your subscription and your market.  

Have a look at our Glossary of Terms articles where you can find a detailed explanation of all KPIs.

You can also configure the displayed information by clicking on the orange highlighted parts, such as defining comparison periods or specifying detailed breakdown dimensions in the chart’s legend.  

Card title

2.2.2 Time series 

Track the evolution of a selected KPI over time with the Time Series tab. You can also configure the respective chart or table, to change the KPI or displayed periods for example, using the orange drop-downs in the interactive card title.  

Your focus period, selected at the top of the page in the context, appears as the last value on the chart. With the orange drop-downs in the interactive card title, you can define which back data appears before this.  

There you can also choose to show a Year-to-Date (YTD) or Moving Annual Total (MAT) summary to the left of the chart or simply hide it.  

2.2.3 Segmentation 

Break down your selected dimension (e.g. Price Classes) by referencing another dimension (e.g. Brands) via the Segmentation tab.  


Your selection in the side menu (e.g. Features) defines the general breakdown dimension in the legend. Depending on that selection, you may be able to choose the detailed breakdown dimension (e.g. the feature 'Display size') in the interactive card title. This is available if the first element of the title is displayed as an orange dropdown. 

You’ll also find the horizontal breakdown dimension across the x-axis in the interactive card title. You can select from all possible breakdown dimensions in a window if you click on the respective element in the title.  

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If you want to view, for example, brands by features instead, simply select 'Brands' in the side menu, navigate to the segmentation tab, and choose 'Features' from the orange drop-downs in the card title.

You can also change the KPI or the comparison period via the drop-down menu. 

2.3 Product leaderboard 

Find a detailed description of the Products section and of how to use it here. 

3. Filtering 

Want to refine data by applying filters? Use the filter tray to focus on what matters most, from subsegments to a specific brand analysis, maintaining these settings as you navigate through the platform. 

Find a detailed description of the filter functionality and how to save or share your filters here. 

3. Filtering

4. Choosing a visualization type 

Switching between different chart types and tables is simple. Just click in the top right of the chart corner to view data in the format that best suits your analysis style. Remember, any changes to data (like filters or adding/removing KPIs) are reflected in both the table and chart view of the data. Further chart types are available (like line charts). These will appear if the data lends itself to these options.  

4. Choosing a visualization type

5. Exporting

You can easily export data to PowerPoint and/or Excel (depending on the content) for further analysis or presentation.    

5. Exporting

6. Sharing 

Looking to share insights with colleagues? Copy and share your current view link to facilitate collaboration and strategic discussions.  

Please note that sharing is limited by your access rights to the respective data. If a link is shared for a data set (e.g. a country) that you do not have access to, you will not be able to see that data. 

6. Sharing

7. Setting notification preferences 

Set up notifications to ensure that you receive alerts either via email or within the platform for any relevant updates, such as when new data becomes available. You can access the notification preferences through the user account icon in the top right corner of your screen. 


Find a step-by-step step guide to setting your email notifications here.

That’s it! Log in to gfknewron to try it for yourself.

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